List the latest policy version that was distributed to a user to see if they've accepted it
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Response Code: 412
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Internal server error
{- "userPolicyVersions": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "acceptedAt": "2025-07-01T16:45:55.246Z",
- "policyVersion": {
- "id": 1,
- "version": 1,
- "minorVersion": 1,
- "current": true,
- "type": "UPLOADED",
- "docViewer": "NATIVE",
- "description": "This policy defines how you do XYZ",
- "html": "<html><body>Text</body></html>",
- "weekTimeFrameSLAs": "WeekTimeFrameSLAResponsePublicDto[]",
- "p3MatrixSLAs": "P3MatrixSLAsResponsePublicDto[]",
- "gracePeriodSLAs": "GracePeriodSLAResponsePublicDto[]",
- "renewalDate": "2025-07-01T16:45:55.246Z",
- "approvedAt": "2025-07-01T16:45:55.246Z",
- "publishedAt": "2025-07-01T16:45:55.246Z",
- "createdAt": "2025-07-01T16:45:55.246Z",
- "updatedAt": "2025-07-01T16:45:55.246Z",
- "htmlLastUpdated": "2025-07-01T16:45:55.246Z",
- "owner": {
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- "firstName": "Sally",
- "lastName": "Smith",
- "jobTitle": "CEO",
- "drataTermsAgreedAt": "2025-07-01T16:45:55.246Z",
- "createdAt": "2025-07-01T16:45:55.246Z",
- "updatedAt": "2025-07-01T16:45:55.246Z",
- "roles": [
- "ROLE",
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- "manualCheckDate": "2020-07-06",
- "manuallyCheckUrl": "",
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- "source": "DRATA",
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- "user": { },
- "outOfScopeReason": "abc123",
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- "isContractor": true,
- "jobTitle": "Engineer",
- "managerId": "x00jk12-2312",
- "managerName": "string"
}, - "changesExplanation": "- This is what changes in the new version. - And this is another change.",
- "status": "DRAFT"
}, - "policy": {
- "id": 1,
- "templateId": 1,
- "name": "Acceptable Use Policy",
- "currentDescription": "This policy defines how you do XYZ",
- "htmlLastUpdated": "2025-07-01T16:45:55.246Z",
- "createdAt": "2025-07-01T16:45:55.246Z",
- "updatedAt": "2025-07-01T16:45:55.246Z",
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- "lastName": "Smith",
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- "drataTermsAgreedAt": "2025-07-01T16:45:55.246Z",
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- "isContractor": true,
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- "managerId": "x00jk12-2312",
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}, - "versions": "PolicyVersionResponsePublicDto[]",
- "policyWeekTimeFrameSLAs": "PolicyWeekTimeFrameSLAResponsePublicDto[]",
- "policyGracePeriodSLAs": "PolicyGracePeriodSLAResponsePublicDto[]",
- "policyP3MatrixSLAs": "PolicyP3MatrixSLAResponsePublicDto[]",
- "groups": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "Operations",
- "description": "This is an example",
- "externalId": "23kemoi23em",
- "source": "GOOGLE",
- "domain": "",
- "type": "GROUP",
- "orgUnitPath": "asdas/qweqwe/asdasd",
- "membersCount": 10
], - "assignedTo": "ALL",
- "notifyGroups": false,
- "reminders": "ReminderResponsePublicDto[]",
- "policyStatus": "ACTIVE"