Add MFA on IdP Evidence
Step 1: Get list of personnel
Get the list of personnel in Drata and filter it by identity MFA compliance. This will give you a list of all personnel in Drata that are not compliant for identity MFA. Choose a personnel that you’d like to upload evidence for and take note of their personnel and user ID.
- Node.js
- JavaScript
- curl
- Python
- C#
- Java
Step 2: Attach file for that personnel
For the user ID you selected above in Step 1, attach a file for evidence of identity MFA.
- Payload
- Node.js
- JavaScript
- curl
- Python
- C#
- Java
No sample
Step 3: Confirm upload has updated personnel’s compliance
To confirm the upload has updated the personnel’s compliance from Step 2, get the personnel’s details from Drata using the personnel ID.
- Node.js
- JavaScript
- curl
- Python
- C#
- Java
Step 4: Repeat for each personnel failing MFA compliance
Repeat Steps 2-3 above with all the personnel failing Identity MFA compliance you identified in step 1.